Sunday, March 07, 2010

Day 3: New York & our venture into Brooklyn

It's Day 5 of Tuttle2Texas and we're leaving NYC about an hour late to
Washington. I can't believe we're already leaving New York as it feels
like we were just getting started. This leg of the trip Michelle and I
stayed with Nick and Martha Desbiens and their 2 year old son Adrian. When
we arrived on Thursday, we travelled out to Brooklyn where Nick and Martha
lived near Grand Army Plaza/ Prospect Park. After introductions and making
of fake pizza with Adrian, Michelle and I headed out to get some New York
shots before we lost the light. Unfortunately we did lose it in the end
as we were having so much fun chatting with Martha, that by the time we
got into Manhattan, it was dusk.

Waiting for it to get a bit darker, Michelle and I cruised around the tip
of central park, saw the horse and carriages lined up along the road, and
rounded back to Carnegie Hall. Then travelling south we headed towards the
daylight, I mean lights of time square, getting night shots along the way.
Times Square was packed with people and according to our hosts, was only
pedestrianised 3 months ago. I think that was a wise decision as I looked
around at all the tourists with their cameras as they wandered the square.

As it was New York and it was night, pretzels were in order which is why
Michelle and I had to partake. It wasn't as good as we thought they would
be (maybe they needed to be heated up a bit more?) but they were salty and
covered in mustard so it was a good between meal snack.

Nick and Martha have been in their Brooklyn flat for the last year and a
half and there seems to be tons of room for their son and them to live. It's still very small so there's not enough room to really play. I now
understand why there are play centres and why mom's and Nanny's are always
sitting in parks in the movies. We settled on Sushi for dinner and
Michelle and I picked up some Brooklyn Pale Ale. As I had tried UFO and
Samuel Adams in Boston, I had to try something local in New York. We
actually asked a man in the local grocery store what we should get as
there were about 5 coolers full of beer in the shop we went into. Supposedly, Brooklyn Lager is good for a spicy meal and Brooklyn Pale Ale
is perfect for a rich meal. It's always good to know local beers – it
makes it easier to impress locals on my next visit.

We interviewed the Desbiens the first night we met and Nick commented on
how it was the first time he had ever thought or spoke that long about how
he used the internet and social media. The next day…he started following
me on Twitter.

Posted via email from Tuttle goes to SXSWi 2010


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