Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Seem to be popping up everywhere. Now not all of these are important missions but missions none the less. We have Alice's mission - the Steve Guttenburg Project - and my Folk Dancing Mission (which was suggested by Alice as a good mission to have).

I have discovered today that my cousin Garrett has a mission too. It's called One Game. It's all being done in protest of the shut down of all hockey for the past year due to the strike. He urges us to boycott the first game of the season to show the hockey players and management that if it wasn't for the fans, there wouldn't be hockey. I hope it works. Power to the little people I say. At least the ones who watch hockey.

Let me get a little bit serious here. I was in Pure Groove on Saturday to get a little Foo Fighters injection via their new CD and a red cover caught my eye. It's called Future Soundtrack for America. What's that you may ask? Well it's a CD put together by Music for America and MoveOn to raise money for non-profit groups working to make America a better place. And I quote: " 100% of our profits from this CD will go to non-profit progressive organizations working to involve more Americans in our political process, to advocate for ordinary people and traditional values, and to help keep the Unites States a country all of us can be proud of. Thanks for your support." Though I am not American, I think a little Edu-ma-cation can go a long way, so I bought the CD. With artists like REM and Death Cab for Cutie and Tom Waits, I thought it was a good buy - if they are giving their time for free, I can spend a tenner on it. So go buy. Now.

Are you still reading this?

Did you buy the CD?


What are you waiting for?


(and check out our other missions too. It's worth it.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Write more!!!

13/7/05 16:52  

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