Saturday, July 16, 2005

Cast of Characters

This is the last big one, I promise! I thought it would be important for me to do up a cast of characters so when I am talking about people, you'll actually know of whom I am speaking.

My flat contains:
Lindsay - British. Friend and flatmate. She works as an Editorial Assistant for a company called Anness Publishing. She does beading projects for books, likes swimming on the heath and wants to have one or two cats. We've been living in the same flat together for 3 years.

Leanne - Canadian. Friend and flatmate. Brought into the household by myself just over a year ago. She works at the Canadian High Commission for the department of defence. She loves indie music, indie boys and cool clothes. We started a radio show together called Transcanada radio which is on hold at the moment as the radio station we were on was crap.

Mark - British. New guy. Likes cars, Japanese movies and being bossed around by girls. Not been there long. Not sure how long it's going to last.

Other people from London:
Scott - American. Boyfriend. He works as a producer for the video game company, Lionhead. He has an MA in writing and is finishing his first novel. He is funny, straight to the point and hates being hot. My sister is sad he's American as it is her dream for me to have British babies one day...she's a weirdo.

Alice - Canadian. Friend and fellower blogger. She likes handbags, always is stylish and works for Giant TV. She has two fish that keep her company but scare overnight visitors as they like to stare in the morning as they wait for their feeding.

Nathan - Welsh. Friend and poet. He runs a poetry/ comedy night, gets compared to John Lennon/ Harry Potter and wears clothes that make him look even taller than he is (though he is always stylishly dressed!). Might be the thinnest person I have ever met.

Alex - British. Friend. Met when my friend Jody and I went for some "fashion" photos. He just finished his training as a scuba dive instructor in Thailand and will be teaching and researching sharks in Austrailia if all goes to plan. He loves sharks.

Joss - British. Friend. Went with Lindsay and I to Croatia last year. Currently living in Nicaragua. May marry his current girlfriend there and come back to England. Likes lots of naps, smoking and beer.

Aoife - Irish. Friend and poet. Is one of the most friendly and laid back people I know. Would give away the clothes off her back if you asked (haven't tried so just assuming...). She is part of my plan to take over the literary world and is also published by Tall-Lighthouse.

Sam - British. The boyfriend of Leanne.

Ed - British. The boyfriend of Lindsay.

Atif - Canadian (born and bred in Edmonton, babbee!). Friend and producer. We are working on movies together though I've been slow at writing for him lately. He is newly married and works for Aim-Image.

Les - My publisher. Very sweet guy and great poet. Has a cat named after Hemmingway and is building an empire out of theTall-Lighthouse

Kent - Canadian. Long time friend. Been friends for 12 years in fact. I even went to grad with him. He is living in Chiswick with his Swedish girlfriend. They seem very happy...even with some confusions with english translations.

Ian, Sam and Thomas Groves - British. My boss, his wife, and son. So nice and let me stay at their house sometimes. It's huge!

Jaime and Clare - British. Friends who just got married :) I met Scott at Clare's birthday in March. How fortuitous.

That's it for my cast of characters at the moment. I'll introduce others as they come into my stories...


Blogger Alice said...

Hey! Why don't I get a description? I suggest the words "fabulous" and "delicous" be used.

17/7/05 22:28  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a weirdo!!! Just fun! Where's my description? I may not be there physically but I am in spirit. Tattoo!

18/7/05 16:27  

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