Sunday, June 07, 2009

Night to dawn

As dawn hits, I feel suddenly awake. It barely feels like night has come before the night is gone. Tonight was a random night - I like randomness. It's a gamble. Trekking halfway across London can result in hours of wasted time for little reward. Tonight could have ended that way. Left a house party of strangers to go to a Kareoke fundraiser piss up with licencing till 2. Got there to find it's now closing at 1 and it's 12:15.

As a pair totter off to a drug induced techo dance haze, I end up with a group of friends who got there as randomly as I have. I love old friends as much as I love other people's families - their interactions facinate me. Maybe make me miss my own a little more but I love them none the less. It's the inside jokes and quick fire banter. The ease of conversation. The quick looks that say everything. The worry when someone is millimetres off their normal selves.

I don't know if I'll ever see them again but if I do, I'll be another privy to inside moments - tea shots, Bendana, the pendulum-free clock sold for a dime. Or at least I hope this night will infiltrate their langauge like it will do mine.


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