Friday, March 06, 2009

Freaking out - Airport style

When my friend, Sara, and I travelled to Berlin a couple weeks ago, we came across a sight that was a bit disturbing. At the check out desk, a grown man, in a very nice, very expessive suit was freaking out. Now this wasn't just a yelling at the guy behind the desk kinda thing, but a jumping up and down, throwing shit, falling to the floor, flailing about temper tantrum. Now this was strange. He didn't look like someone who would be freaking out but yet...he was.

Now this seemed to be an isolated event. Seem is the oprative word. Today I was reading the Metro (the free London paper which everyone reads - really they could print anything, and as most people use it as thier main source of news, they would believe it hands down). In it, in a little side column, was a story called "Airline sorry for 'tantrum' weblink.' I this the airline that flies to Berlin? Was that the man???

Well it turns out, no. The little blip read as follows: "Airline Cathay Pacific has apologised to a customer after a video of her having a tantrum after missing a flight was posted on YouTube. The three-minute clip shows the woman wailing, throwing herself on the floor, banging the counter and trying to barge past staff at Hong Kong Airport after she narrowly missed a flight. It was filmed by an employee and has drawn 4.97m views and 18,000 comments since being posted on the web. The airline said it was sorry for the embarrassment caused and the worker responsible had been disciplined."

I watched it and it was like I was in Berlin all over again. Except with subtitles. Click here to watch it for yourself: . Wonder how many hits the berlin guy woulda got if I felt so inclined to film it....


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