Monday, February 02, 2009


Snow day
Snow day
We had a....
Snow day!

It's official! London had a blissful snow day. Well blissfull for me who didn't have to work cause the schools were all closed. According to the news 20 cm of snow fell in my part of town in one day. Here is an official article on the chaos that ensued:

Now I have never had a snow day. Even when it was -40 and 3/4 of the school couldn't get there cause the snow was too deep, I was there (I had the misfortune to live across the street!) But as I had my official first snow day, I had to do snow things. Hoorah! So Sara and I went out and made a lovely snowwoman named "Mable" Many people stopped and took photos - we are Canadian so we've had a lot of practise! Here are some pics of the snow...if you look at them in order, the captions create a little story about our experiences in the snow:

Yaaaaaaaay snow day!!!!



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