Friday, January 05, 2007

Vacation : Day 12 - 13 (I'm not an animal...)

But I saw lots of them. my travels have taken me from LA to the beautiful land down under. I have arrived in Perth! Hoorah! Now I did not know this but there is this big deal made about transporting foods into Australia AND across Australia. I arrived in Perth and was greeted by Jody and Dave and a sniffer dog. He liked my bag. So much that he came back for a second sniff. And no...I had noooo food in there. Whew!

The very first thing that my lovely hosts did was take me to see some Australian animals. Look there's even warning signs!
Even with the warning signs, we continued into the park. Not only did I get to see lots of the animals but I got to talk with them too. Unfortunately, they didn't like to talk back unless I was feeding them...

They also didn't like to talk much when they were sleeping (I had the fear of what would happen if Mr. Koala woke up)...

The best ever was this little emu. Petted an emu and he didn't even try to bite me. Wayhey!

First day of Perth complete and I've met the will the next days shape up?


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