Thursday, June 15, 2006

I made a word today

Sometimes I wonder what Shakespeare's friends said to him. I mean it mustn't be easy to communicate with the people you know and love and want to buy you pints after the show when you're making up so many god damn words. I thought I'd give it a try. Actually I often give it a try in poems.

Joe: Ummmm...Heather?

Heather: Yes Joe.

Joe: Scrumptalicious isn't a word.

Heather: It isn't?

Joe: No.

Heather: But it sure sounds good.

Joe: It's not a word.

Heather: Say it with me....Scumptalicious....Scrumptalicious....

Joe: No.

Heather: Scrumptalicious...

Joe: You want another beer?

You see, I've had many conversations like that (except I don't drink beer any more...only red wine for me bay-bee! No...I'm not conscience?) but not in a long long time, until today. Today I used a word never been seen before in the English langauge. And I will dub thee "toxicness." My friend Duncan retorted with "well I hope you're not feeling to hurtansadfullness after converspeaking to duncsme" Granted I like the word converspeaking (don't tell'll just make him think it is his idea). Still "toxicness" is the word of the day. It's my blog, I invented it so there's no other way around it.

So really I could be another Shakespeare, couldn't I?

Couldn't I?





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